[Gllug] VACANCY: Junior Systems Support

Hari Sekhon hpsekhon at googlemail.com
Thu Sep 10 11:23:15 UTC 2009

Thomi Richards wrote:
> 2009/9/10 Stephen Nelson-Smith <sanelson at gmail.com>:
>>> I'll be moving somewhere abroad with a higher
>>> standard of living, better weather, an infrastructure that works
>>> properly and sensible taxation levels.
>> I fancy New Zealand.  Where do you think you'll end up?
> I have emigrated from New Zealand to the UK mainly for work reasons -
> the IT industry in NZ is very small
My colleague actually emigrated to NZ last year and is doing very well 
there (he's worked there before, his girlfriend is from NZ just wanted 
to live in the UK to see what it was like but decided she'd had enough 
after 6 months so go figure). His view was if you don't like the way 
England is going, just leave. I can't agree that would solve anything 
but it beats banging your head trying to convince blind people that the 
sky is blue. My sister-in-law has lived for periods all over the world 
and states there are a _lot_ of British people elsewhere with no 
intention of coming back which is interesting. This is also another 
reason why immigration is wanted by the government, not just cheaper 
labour (which I think benefits the top dogs mainly?), but to plump up 
the population as emigration is currently at the highest rate since 
records began.


Hari Sekhon

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