[Gllug] RHCT / RHCE

Hari Sekhon hpsekhon at googlemail.com
Thu Sep 24 11:31:25 UTC 2009

Stephen Nelson-Smith wrote:
> I've been toying with the idea of getting Redhat certification.  I did
> the pre-assessment questionaires and concluded that I was pretty close
> to being ready to take the RHCE exam immediately, but would benefit
> from the fast track course.
> I would appear to be ready to take the RHCT immediately - is there any
> benefit in this, if I'm going to do the RHCE soon anyway?
> The fast track course seems to be £1200 (plus £500 for the exam) -
> this strikes me as reasonable value.  Anyone got experience of it?
> The alternative is just to prepare independently - is the curriculum
> available?  Anyone got experience of this approach?  Are there any
> study materials available?
> Your experience and wisdom gratefully accepted!

I actually did the RHCE last week. If anyone was there on the 18th Sept 
in London, message me! :-)

I thought it was good.

I personally did just the exam (~£600) without any training (current 
employer limitation), riding on experience.

If you do the RHCT first, it would certainly give you an advantage in 
getting used to the format, but you'd have to repeat your RHCT in your 
RHCE sitting anyway as there is no carry over.

Experienced Red Hat engineers should have no problem with it as is.


Hari Sekhon

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