[Gllug] Disk problem

general_email at technicalbloke.com general_email at technicalbloke.com
Sat Sep 5 01:38:27 UTC 2009

general_email at technicalbloke.com wrote:
> I wouldn't worry too much about it, it's not uncommon to get consistency
> problems and corrupted sectors if you yank the power from a drive. I
> highly recommend spinrite for situations like this, it's v.good at
> fixing sector level corruption and it gives the rest of the disk a
> thorough scrubbing too. As for disabling write cacheing I'd be inclined
> to chalk it down to coincidence but if you have further problems with it
> then maybe suspect the drive. Maybe make sure SMART is on too just so it
> can catch any warning it might throw up.
> Roger.
> got  Alain Williams wrote:
>> I was wondering if anyone had any view on this.
>> Early this morning I got errors from one of my SATA disks (1GB).
>> When I got up I found that it would not respond to anything, however after a power cycle
>> of the whole machine (first in a long time) it came back. smartctl tests claim that
>> it is healthy, although I did get some more errors (see below). How worried should I be? 
>> I'll replace the disk later today.
>> <snip>

Whoops, just realized I was top posting there, sorry!

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