[Gllug] WikiLeaks: Stop the crackdown - incredible response!

Robert McKay robert at mckay.com
Fri Dec 10 11:34:47 UTC 2010

On Fri, Dec 10, 2010 at 10:35 AM, Alain Williams <addw at phcomp.co.uk> wrote:

> On Fri, Dec 10, 2010 at 10:20:38AM +0000, david at gbenet.com wrote:
> >
> >    Ricken Patel - Avaaz.org wrote:
> >
> >    Incredible - nearly 400,000 signatures in one day for press freedom!
> Join
> >    the massive outcry and forward the email below -
> >    Dear friends,
> > ...
> Much as I agree with what you are talking about; please don't send HTML
> only
> email to this list.
Meh. Wikileaks is an obvious establishment 'good cop' puppet. Real secrets
don't end up in the mainstream press (as wikileaks has been constantly for
the last month). One part of the US govt is driving wikileaks while others
tries to take it down.. along the way they get to accomplish several goals..
introducing more propaganda but from a 'trusted good guy anti-establishment
rebel source' which is useful to manipulate the growing demographic that
nolonger believes the mainstream press and in cracking down on wikileaks
they get to accomplish several more goals such as implementing internet
censorship programs. Anonymous is probably another government run/influenced
group. Their DDOS antics will no doubt provide good justification for
clamping down even harder.

I highly recommend Maurice Joly's The Dialogue In Hell between Machiavelli
and Montesquieu. It was written 146 years ago but the mechanisms of power
and control seemingly still operate under exactly the same formula.**

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