[Gllug] Content filtering proxy server

Victor Churchill vchurchill at softwareshack.eu
Sat Jan 9 17:03:28 UTC 2010

2010/1/9 Stephen Nelson-Smith <sanelson at gmail.com>:
> Hi,
> The children now have a computer.  We discovered them watching
> unsavoury things on youtube yesterday, so think it might be a good
> idea to install a web filtering proxy server.  I've heard of using
> dansguardian and also of squidguard in conjunction with squid.  Any
> experiences, comments or recommendations?
Some routers come with a set of filtering rules you can choose to
enable. My home Buffalo AirStation doesn't but I worked at a place
with a BT router (can't remember the model name exactly, 'Home Hub?
Business Hub? - this was a pretty small SoHo-sized office setup) which
had loads of categories so you could screen out data that was
categorised under a raft of categories - everything from XXX to
hate-propaganda to tobacco&alcohol to auctions. I assume the router
called home periodically to get its blacklists updated. We never
actually activated the function, btw, so can't comment on its

But you probably don't want to go getting a new router just 'cos your
kids now have their own access to the 'net...
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