[Gllug] PHP Guru's

Nix nix at esperi.org.uk
Mon Jul 19 22:39:50 UTC 2010

On 19 Jul 2010, Jason Clifford uttered the following:

> On Mon, 2010-07-19 at 00:16 +0100, j.roberts wrote:
>> In the interests of not reinventing the wheel, could this be of any use?
> All of these suggestions appear to fail to consider the possibility that
> the user's disk space may be limited not only by the available space (or
> inode) availability on the volume but by the imposition of quotas.

Also by other users doing things on the same filesystem. At best the
figure is an estimate (although with modern disk sizes you might as well
just print an infinity symbol a lot of the time).
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