[Gllug] OT: Recommend PC hardware diagnostic kit

James Courtier-Dutton james.dutton at gmail.com
Tue Jun 1 08:08:33 UTC 2010

On 1 June 2010 00:22, gvim <gvimrc at gmail.com> wrote:
> Can anyone recommend a basic PC hardware diagnostic kit for testing motherboards & power supplies? Maybe also memory sticks if the unit is affordable. I don't want the Windows CDs which come with the more commercial kits but I do need to be able to test SATA power supply cables.

Testing SATA power should be quite easy with a multimeter and a self
made cable and just use the pinout specs.
Testing the Motherboard power is slightly more difficult because there
are some control wires.
See pinouts on:

Now, if you went a bit further, you could interface multiple ADC to a
computer interface and have the computer measure all the voltages for

Alternatively, just type "power supply tester" into ebay and buy one
for less than £10.

Testing motherboards and memory sticks is more difficult.
I would just go with the replacing memory sticks with known good ones
and see if the Motherboard works then.

Kind Regards

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