[Gllug] installing from a memory stick (OT)

John Hearns hearnsj at googlemail.com
Mon Jun 21 09:29:30 UTC 2010

On 21 June 2010 10:13, Don Williams <don at rose963.demon.co.uk> wrote:
> I have the necessary iso copied from Ubuntu onto a memory stick - for
> while my blank dvds said they were of 4.7 gb capacity, they're really
> about 7mb too small to allow successful burning-in.
Just as an aside, to install Linux on a machine from USB stick, or
from a CD or DVD you don't need the entire install DVD,
if you have a network connection. All you need is the 'netboot ISO' in
SuSE speak, or the live CD,
or the equivalent Fedore or Ubuntu image. The desktop Ubunutu live CD
should fit comfortably on a normal DVD.

the reason why the full install DVD is so large is that it has every
package under the Sun on it.
If you have a LAN connection to another machien in your network, you
can install further packages after install time,
or just mount the full DVD on that server and use that as install
source from the live CD or netboot CD.
Same thing goes with an Internet connection - just say that you use a
remote source as your install repository.

Sorry - I'm more of a SuSE person these days, so don't have the Ubuntu jargon.

So in short - just download the live CD image to a normal sized USB,
boot off that, and you can pull in packages via a network connection.
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