[Gllug] Advice on ADSL line attenuation and noise margin

InstincT gllug at acp-online.co.uk
Thu Mar 11 11:55:51 UTC 2010

On 11/03/2010 11:04, Richard Jones wrote:
> I am kind of interested in the numbers, what they mean, and how
> to improve them anyhow :-)
> Rich.
I think of line attenuation as how 'loud' your modem has to shout to 
your local exchange to communicate. The louder it has to shout the lower 
speed you will get. The further away you are the louder it has to shout. 
Also the quality of the line effects how your 'shout' travels.

Technically it is how much signal is lost along the wire. The lower this 
number the better. I think the 50+db range may be quite high as I 
normally see 20-35 but not really sure.

Signal to Noise Ratio shows how much of your line is being taken up by 
your adsl signal [your shout] and how much is being taken up by noise 
[ie part of the line you cannot shout down]. The more signal you have in 
relation to noise the better.

There are a few things that you can do to try and improve the numbers. 
To start with it's best to see what numbers you get if you plug the 
router directly into the BT master socket [take the front off and plug 
into the main socket - this disconnects all internal wiring] This will 
tell you the best you can hope for. From there you can see what effect 
your internal wiring is having. _Decent_ microfilters are worth the 
investment. I like the replcement master socket face plates which 
handles all filtering for all internal extensions and allows your router 
to get as close as possible to where your wire comes in:



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