[Gllug] [Long] Down-under response. Was: File On 4 on waste in Govt computing projects

Christopher Hunter cehunter at gb-x.org
Thu Mar 4 00:27:42 UTC 2010

On Wed, 2010-03-03 at 22:28 +0000, Nix wrote:

> Rubbish. The debts will inflate away and be grown away. 

Not this time.  There's nowhere for the hole to disappear to, this time.

> Why not just say 'I support the Tories' and not bother saying anything
> else? 

Actually, I don't.  The current crop of Tories seem as bereft of notion
as the other lot.  

> I know people in Conservative Central Office and *they* don't go this 
> far over the top; they certainly don't think the last thirteen years 
> have been unadulterated disaster the way you seem to.

The people in CCO go WAY beyond anything I've said...  and the last 13
years HAVE been an almost entirely unmitigated disaster.  NOTHING has
improved, and we all had our Pensions stolen and the gold reserve given
away.  Wasn't he a "prudent" Chancellor?

> >                                                           rapidly rising
> > crime rate.  
> FAIL. Let's see what a well-known commie pinko rag mentioned above has
> to say about this 'rapidly rising crime rate', shall we?
> <http://www.economist.com/world/britain/displaystory.cfm?story_id=15452867>
> The British Crime Survey agrees (but of course you don't believe that
> because it's run by the government, and you don't believe anything else
> because it could have been bought: who *do* you believe? Conservative
> Central Office, yes, but anyone else?)

I actually believe the unmodified reported crime figures I saw recently.
The Police dare not actually reveal anything like the real figures or
their top brass will all be looking for jobs - there is an endemic
culture of manipulated and frankly fabricated figures supplied to

This is true of other government departments too.  Most are scared to
reveal the truth of their situations because they'll be seen as failing.

Clue: Why do you think Ofsted are required to give notice of inspection
of schools?

This is just one example of the stupid, bureaucratic nonsenses foisted
upon us by these bogus champagne socialists (like the "man of the
people" Michael Foot - died today in his £2m hovel in Hampstead).

>  -- N., Tory voter in the last election but you're making me think again

You're going to get them this time, most likely.


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