[Gllug] Analysing Exim logs

Simon Wilcox essuu at ourshack.com
Tue Mar 30 11:42:06 UTC 2010

Hi James,

On 30/3/10 12:28, James Courtier-Dutton wrote:
> smtp is an unreliable mail delivery protocol. It has a "failed
> delivery" option, but hardly anybody uses it for security against
> spam.

Yes, I'm familiar with the problems with SMTP mail transport and get to 
spend quite some time explaining them to our clients.

> So, even if you do parse the logs for failure messages, it is unlikely
> to be 100% reliable.

I don't really care what happens to it once it's off our servers (well I 
do but not for the purposes of this discussion) I just need to report 
failures against the originating address.

> There are other options for checking email address accuracy.
> User enters email address in web site.
> web site sends a special email to that email address.
> Until the user respond/reply to the special email, the email is
> assumed to be invalid.
> Much like the method most email mailing lists use.

Well yes, but that doesn't help when their mailbox is full and we get a 
'Quota Exceeded' rejection. I probably picked the wrong example in my 
previous email, apologies for that.

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