[Gllug] Snoracle (was Re: new project HA at home and away)

Steve Parker steve at steve-parker.org
Sat Nov 20 23:01:41 UTC 2010

On 20/11/10 22:49, Nix wrote:
> Maybe Oracle will eventually learn that if you piss off the community
> with everything you do for several years and dismember a famous old
> Unix founding company, that it will come back to bite you.
> (Or one might hope.)
Or maybe they will learn that you can get away with buying a great 
engineering firm, suck it for every last dollar it is worth, and then 
spit out the remainder, all the while ignoring the cries from those who 
are clearly irrelevant to your purposes as they do not have their 
wallets wide open as they obediently lie over the barrel screaming "take 
everything you want, Larry"

(yes, I have been very close to this, and whilst I would love to see a 
happy ending, my take-home from this has been to make sure that I have a 
copy of the OpenSolaris source code, as we are coming to the end of an era)
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