[Gllug] To partition or not to partition

Philip Hands phil at hands.com
Wed Oct 20 09:09:36 UTC 2010

On Wed, 20 Oct 2010 01:38:23 +0100, Tethys <sta296 at astradyne.co.uk> wrote:
> --------
> Richard Jones writes:
> >Tet,
> >
> >guess you'll enjoy (or more probably not) this thread:
> >
> >http://lists.fedoraproject.org/pipermail/devel/2010-October/thread.html#144471
> Sigh. I would claim that it's yet another step Fedora is taking away
> from where I want my OS to be. But sadly, I suspect it applies to Linux
> in general, not just Fedora :-( Even if I switched distributions, I
> suspect most of the alternatives would follow in time anyway.

I _seriously_ doubt Debian will.

At least, I doubt that Debian will even consider it before we have
something like read-only-root viable, since Debian is pretty popular
with embedded folks who really do need to be able to deal with much of
the system being on physically read-only media.

Anyway, part of the point of having /usr separate is that it imposes
some discipline on the core system, which ensures that it will be more
likely to boot under duress -- that sort of argument will continue to
appeal to Debian folks long after we all have 2TB SSDs.

Cheers, Phil.
|)|  Philip Hands [+44 (0)20 8530 9560]    http://www.hands.com/
|-|  HANDS.COM Ltd.                    http://www.uk.debian.org/
|(|  10 Onslow Gardens, South Woodford, London  E18 1NE  ENGLAND
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