[Gllug] OT: Network connection for home to cloud backup

Martyn Drake martyn at drake.org.uk
Wed Sep 15 07:49:15 UTC 2010

On 15 Sep 2010, at 04:10, general_email at technicalbloke.com wrote:

> On a remote backup note does anyone fancy setting up Crashplan and 
> swapping a bit of backup space? I've not tried it yet but I very much 
> like the idea. I've got 75GB I'd like to keep backed up more frequently 
> than it is now and I could offer a couple of people 100GB each on my 
> system which is on fairly often.

Without this sounding like an advert, I could also recommend my employer's product: SquirrelSave (http://www.squirrelsave.co.uk).  While it is intended for Windoze users primarily, the backend is powered entirely by rsync over SSH, so it's not hard to script something that would perform the backup for you.  No limits on the amount that can be stored either.  Also historical copies are kept too.



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