[Gllug] Fwd: Advice for new machine.

j.roberts j.roberts at stabilys.com
Wed Aug 24 15:19:16 UTC 2011

On 24/08/2011 15:20, Dylan wrote:

> MOTHERBOARD (inc processor and memory):
> I know practically nothing about current motherboards and processors, but
> since this is the basis of the system I'd like to get it right..

One word of possible advice: whichever and whatever processor/mb you 
want to buy, I'd hold off for a month or so. The new AMD series is due 
out then (it is hoped), and when it arrives all other prices will take 
another dive downwards (I expect).

I am waiting to do a refresh myself until then.

Unless you have serious multitasking or gaming needs, just about any 
midrange AMD or Intel processor will offer fine desktop performance.

If you have more info on what you are intending to use it for then 
better advice would be possible...

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