[Gllug] Possibly OT, but could be of use to someone Fwd: Capital Enterprise Funding for 'Developing Sector Specific Short Programs' (£10,000 & beyond) - Hurry 28th Feb 2011 Dateline

sean S.Tohill at westminster.ac.uk
Fri Feb 4 20:23:44 UTC 2011

this was circulated by our business development officer and i thought it 
might be of interest to some people on here.
i was thinking perhaps virtualisation, cloud, or other specialist area.
obviously it would be nice to be involved if it was an area i was 
interested in, but it would be good to see any of you get some money.



-------- Original Message --------
Subject: 	Capital Enterprise Funding for 'Developing Sector Specific 
Short Programs' (£10,000 & beyond) - Hurry 28th Feb 2011 Dateline
Date: 	Fri, 4 Feb 2011 17:29:05 +0000



Dear All,

There is feasibility to get *£10,000/- (and beyond) quite easily from 
Capital Enterprise for developing and delivering sector specific short 
programs* by any ECS staff. Capital Enterprise is looking to pay the 
selected partner a substantial part of the cost of developing and 
piloting the sector specific boot camp. The remaining cost is expected 
to be covered by the partner or from other forms of sponsorship or from 
client fees. Capital Enterprise have been paying 50% of costs for the 
first two programme development/delivery costs but the partner 
individual also get to keep all the income. After part funding 1-2 
pilots, Capital Enterprise would expect the programme to become 
*self-financing* from income from fees and sponsorship.

I will be able to offer my service for the entire application process 
(if needed). Any number of ECS staffs can apply and each ECS staff 
  (applying for the fund from Capital Enterprise) needs to answer few 
questions (as part of the application) within the scopes of 
'pre-programme, financial, programme details, and post programme'. *The 
application document should be approximately of four A4 pages including 
the budget*. Also, I've attached the Boot Camp Tender Questionnaire for 
your information. More information can be found on 


*The application deadline is 12:00 on Monday, 28 February, 2011*


*Expected Activities*:

The Partner will be responsible for designing, delivery and evaluation 
of their program, including, but not limited, to the following 

    * Set-up costs à venue, catering, facilitators/speakers, equipment,
      materials, promotion etc.
    * Participants à fee, assure minimal number of participants register
      and attend.
    * Co-sponsors à partners are responsible for finding sponsors for
      the program ensuring no conflict of interest with current parties
    * Program à activity outline which consists of core fundamentals,
      expert interaction, networking, etc
    * Post-Program à feedback form, follow-up, and KPIs
    * Resources à sector-specific pre-reading materials and resource access

The IP for the programs resides with Capital Enterprise . Partners can 
utilise the programs within geographical boundaries. The IP will be lost 
if the Partner does not provide repeat programs.


All industry sectors are welcome and will be chosen based on the 
following criteria:

    * High demand for attendance
    * How it helps delegates overcome the sectors "High" barriers to entry
    * Substantiality -- "Bums on seats"
    * Innovation & "Wow Factor"
    * Ability to provide a credible program within the Business Bootcamp


The University of Westminster is a charity and a company limited by
guarantee.  Registration number: 977818 England.  Registered Office:
309 Regent Street, London W1B 2UW, UK.
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