[Gllug] Kernel Brewery

Stig stiglet at gmail.com
Thu Jan 13 16:12:11 UTC 2011

I just joined GLLUG about ten minutes ago and there's a post about
Kernel brewery, nice. I'm clearly in the right place.

Anyway, seconded, Kernel brewery is fantastic, and Evin is happy to
show people round.
You can buy and drink beer at the brewery (although there's seating
for about 5, or if it's raining, none.)

 I've been meaning to go back again for a while, so I'm well up for
this, but it has to be done slightly too early on a Saturday morning,
to catch evin and the other market people.


On 13 January 2011 15:55, John Hearns <hearnsj at googlemail.com> wrote:
> Bad form to reply to my own post...
> Coffee, cheese, sausage and Kernel Beer. What's not to like for the
> dedicated Penguinista?
> Maltby Street Market is due for a visit I think!
> http://www.ft.com/cms/s/2/37ceca82-dbef-11df-af09-00144feabdc0.html#axzz1Avmx4Lx1
> --
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