[Gllug] My Internet experience in the West at times is comparable to female foeticide

Nix nix at esperi.org.uk
Wed Jun 22 10:45:45 UTC 2011

On 22 Jun 2011, Bernard Peek uttered the following:
> I think that is quite possible and I can understand their decision. Your
> posts here have largely been off-topic and show that you have very
> little understanding about the technology

To give him(?) his due, his very first post showed significant
willingness to dive into the undocumented swamp that is XKb. That was it

Krishna Birth said:
> On the other hand for example in Britain Linux User Groups (LUGs) --
> Swlug (South Wales) has banned my posting to it's Linux group,
> Staffslug (Staffordshire)  only yesterday threatened me with banning.
> Oxlug (Oxfordshire) does not allow me to post.  Same with the other
> Sheflug (Sheffield).

Unless you live in all these places at once, you exist on sufferance on
their mailing lists. It sounds like you asked the same questions on
every LUG list you could find. There's a nasty word for someone who does
things like that: spammer.
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