[Gllug] Big Buck Bunny 1080p

Richard W.M. Jones rich at annexia.org
Thu May 12 08:12:57 UTC 2011

On Thu, May 12, 2011 at 04:28:14PM +1200, David L Neil wrote:
> On 05/12/2011 01:33 AM, John Hearns wrote:
>> On 11 May 2011 11:42, Gary Pownall<gary.pownall at gmail.com>  wrote:
>>> Fpund this gorgeous animation on youtube based on opensource software: Blender, Gimp and Ubuntu.
>> The guy who looks after the Cinepaint fork of Gimp, Robin Rowe, gave a
>> talk to GLLUG several years ago.
>> (I now feel quite old.)
> now don't go letting us grey-beards down like that!
> From the takes-one-to-know-one school of thought:
> What you mean is: it has been so long since you organised a GLLUG talk,  
> that maybe it's time to jump back in and show the young bucks how it  
> should be done!?
> (with style, flair, and panache - whoever they are)
> - how Linux is adapting to the multi-core, multi-processor future
> - tuning Linux so efficiently that it squeaks
> - when to move from multiple OTS systems to a rack, ... to blades, ...  
> to a cluster?
> - aligning database techniques, eg partitioning, sharding (even RDBMS cf  
> NoSQL) to hardware configuration/technology choices (eg above)
> - uses for parallel processing even when you're not splitting the atom
> - gotchas/issues when sharing buses, RAM, HD arrays/SANs, ...
> - management software for a 'multi' environment
> - programming languages and tools in a 'multi' environment
> - what the sci-community can teach business people moving into Business  
> Analytics and other heavy number-crunching/'big-data' applications

Come on, you're not being buzzword compliant.  Nothing about "clouds" ...?


Richard Jones
Red Hat
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