[Gllug] matching strings in python

dudes dudes akam123 at hotmail.co.uk
Sun Oct 2 09:50:47 UTC 2011

I'm using DrPython as an editor on slackware running on V-box. 
With some strange reason when I try to copy and paste it to my windows, 
doesn't allow me to that. And for that reason I only "typed" very small 
parts of the code and during that I have missed " " around r and 
possibly some other syntaxes. . Now With DrPython, if you  try to save 
your change, it won't let you to save it if you syntax issues or parts I
 missing ( such as missing " " around r). 

> If you try your code one step at a time, you'll find that even
> your open line has a bug (missing quotes around r):
> 	http://docs.python.org/library/functions.html#open

You mean missing Syntax !
 don't understand why all of the sudden everyone think I'm wasting their
 time !! I just have a deadline for a piece of work that is sue to 1 PM 
Europe time 

thanks John for your links 

> Date: Sun, 2 Oct 2011 10:33:38 +0100
> From: stuart at sjsears.com
> To: gllug at gllug.org.uk
> Subject: Re: [Gllug] matching strings in python
> On 02/10/11 09:36, dudes dudes wrote:
> > Hello,
> > 
> > Can someone kindly point me my mistake here in this code. I'm trying to
> > search a file for 10000 OR 10001 (in python).
> > 
> > import re;
> > 
> > this= open("file", r)
> > for line in this:
> >    if re.match('(10000)' | '(10001)', line)
> >         print line
> RTFM :)
> http://docs.python.org/library/re.html#matching-vs-searching
> specifically:
> where are these numbers on each line? Are they at the start? if not,
> re.match won't find them without a preceding wildcard.
> Also, there's no need for the 'this=...' bit, unless you actually feel
> you need the variable.
> Something like the following
> for line in open('filename'):
>     if re.search('1000[01]', line):
>         print line
> is more likely to succeed
> > /*It doesn't give me any errors. However; doesn't find the 10000 OR 10001 */
> As Tet says, that's difficult to credit, unless you have selectively
> copied and pasted random bits of your code into this email and changed
> the quoting. Or just attempted to write it in email from memory.
> At the very least:
> * the 'r' on your open(...) line is not quoted.
> * The re.match line itself will throw at least one syntax error - all
> characters in your pattern should be inside one set of quotes.
> * The second if statement is missing a colon.
> This example was fairly trivial, but if you are asking for help with
> code like this, it would help if you actually post working excerpts from
> it. Or excerpts that throw the errors you are asking about.
> Regards,
> Stuart
> -- 
> Stuart Sears RHCA etc.
> "It's today!" said Piglet.
> "My favourite day," said Pooh.
> --
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