[Gllug] Fedora Core 14

Rob Crowther robertc at boogdesign.com
Tue Feb 7 19:00:48 UTC 2012

On 07/02/12 19:54, Richard W.M. Jones wrote:
> rpmfusion was created as a fusion of 3 separate repos 4 years ago.
> The other repos existed for much longer.  Debian, note, has in the
> past had many other repos (non-US anyone?)
Yes, and before that the three separate repos often had similar but not 
quite compatible packages for things like xine.  At least that was my 
experience, maybe I was using repos other than the merged three.

> Upgrades aren't harder, you're simply wrong about this.

It's simply my experience that they fail more often, perhaps 'harder' 
was the wrong word to use.

 > Try using Fedora and RHEL before you comment on them.
I'm using Fedora right now.  Try being less condescending.

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