[Gllug] [Help Wanted / Product Testing] Grid Computing Software

Axel Segebrecht axel at segebrecht.com
Wed Jan 4 21:36:55 UTC 2012

Hi all,

I am involved with a start-up that has developed a new grid computing
software, which aims to aid calculations of long term projections (just one
example) by spreading the load over any desktop computers or servers a
corporation may have. Thus reducing the amount of capital expenditure
required by utilising existing, and mostly idle (in case of desktops)

It is being well documented (we are working very hard on providing good
documentation) and has had its original idea found through working for
financial institutions in the City, where we believe the core market may

One of the key factors is that it is easy to use with any existing systems
and softwares, unlike other grid solutions getting this to work should be
comparatively easy.

The proof is in the pudding as they say, and we are looking for places to
test the software in a real lifeT environment now. 

If you think you may benefit from this software or know of an organisation
that I can get in touch with, please let me know.

I'm afraid I cannot divulge as much info as I like as it's closed source but
I will aim to answer any questions you throw at me as well as possible.

If this email upsets you in anyway, please accept my sincere apologies!

Kind regards,

Mobile +447794132161
Skype callto://asegebrecht

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