[Gllug] What are the best practices for Linux partitioning & Mount points for Production systems

Tethys sta296 at astradyne.co.uk
Fri Mar 2 09:45:34 UTC 2012

nk oorda writes:

>What are the best practices for Linux partitioning & Mount points for
>Production systems

I generally go for:

- /boot (ext3, about 1GB)
- /boot2 (ext3, about 1GB)
- LVM for the rest of the "disk" (which is usually an array
  rather than a single disk)

The two /boot filesystems allow distribution upgrades with rollback.
LVM gives you the flexibility to do what you want with the rest.
It's less important than it used to be, and there's an argument for
just sticking the rest of the OS on a single filesystem, but personally
I still go for separate /usr, /tmp and /var. The latter two prevent the
system falling over as badly when a rogue process spams the disk with
crap, and I have a read only /usr (which I haven't managed to achieve
at boot time with bind mounts, despite the claims accompanying the
misguided removal of support for a separate /usr in recent Fedora

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