[GLLUG] Ubuntu Server Failover

John Edwards john at cornerstonelinux.co.uk
Fri Aug 2 12:44:46 UTC 2013

On Fri, Aug 02, 2013 at 10:54:38AM +0100, Jean van Wyngaardt wrote:
> Hello Guys
> Anyone have a good experience setting up a failover server, that also replicates the data from a master server?
> I would assume rsync would do nicely for the data side, but I haven't really messed around too much with any failover apps before. Anyone have any favourites?

Instead of rsync at certain intervals will give you a certain lag,
you could look at either csync or lsyncd, which are both designed
to quickly mirror changes made to one system onto another.

An alternative to that is to have both servers look at a common
backend data store (iSCSI, NFS, etc).

For failover (instead of clustering) the Linux-HA Heartbeat system
can use will detect if the one machine is unavailable and tell the
other to take over. Between two machines it's probably best to run
it over a serial cable so you don't have to rely on the network
being 100%, but I think it can be run over the network if serial is
not possible.

Ucarp is a similar system that only uses the network and is a Linux
implementation of OpenBSD's OpenCARP system, so could work across
different operating systems.

|    John Edwards   Email: john at cornerstonelinux.co.uk    |
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