[GLLUG] Checking mail server configuration specifically for IPv4

John Winters john at sinodun.org.uk
Sat May 30 15:40:11 UTC 2020

On 30/05/2020 16:30, Andy Smith via GLLUG wrote:
> Hello,
> On Sat, May 30, 2020 at 04:23:44PM +0100, John Winters via GLLUG wrote:
>> I tend to use check-auth at verifier.port25.com to diagnose these things but
>> I've hit a problem.  Both my mail server and theirs are fully IPv6 enabled,
>> and all is good in IPv6.
> What if you forced your mail server to use an IPv4 address when
> talking to verifier.port25.com? Here's how to do it in Exim:
>      https://github.com/Exim/exim/wiki/How-to-force-IPv4-connections-for-specific-domains-if-IPv6-is-enabled

Perfect.  Thank you kindly.

Slightly surprised that they don't offer a verifier-ipv4.port25.com and 
verifier-ipv6.port25.com since you haven't really tested your system 
until you've tested both, but as it's free I suppose we can't complain.


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