[GLLUG] Comments please

John Hearns hearnsj at gmail.com
Mon Jul 24 10:27:13 UTC 2023

Karanbir, great to see you on here again.
Your post is very insightful.

On Mon, 24 Jul 2023 at 11:08, Karanbir Singh via GLLUG <
gllug at mailman.lug.org.uk> wrote:

> hi,
> On 22/07/2023 17:36, bap--- via GLLUG wrote:
> > It turns out that he’s an old skool Linux and BSD hacker. He would like
> Any chance you could share names ?
> > to make more use of open-source software. Of course he doesn’t have
> > freedom to kick MS into touch but would be willing and able to
> But MS does not engage with the NHS directly, past the platform services
> - its their ISV's and the ecosystem that rallies around it. And in the
> same space as MS, there are other vendors with some traction, admittedly
> not enough. So I think its important its clarified as to which end of
> what spectrum is being addressed here.
> > Elsewhere in the world every country has similar healthcare issues and
> > in the third-world that sometimes means running software on ancient
> > hand-me-down computers, often running old versions of Windows. They
> > could do with some help too. The USA is looking at universal healthcare
> > but it’s not going to happen unless the Democrats gain enough power to
> > amend the constitution or someone comes up with a way to enable
> > individual states to agree a nationwide strategy. Hell might freeze over
> > first.
> Healthcare is a complex industry, it might make sense to double down on
> local, focused domains. As has been pointed out in the thread, GPs are
> largely an autonomous entity who can chose and work through their own
> systems. I believe there are multiple vendors in this space, disrupting
> that end of the spectrum with open source, open standards and enablement
> would be good start. Next, the Dentists. Followed by the pharmacists.
> These are the smallest, but complete, execution domains in the space -
> efficiency wins here directly map to impact for mass population.
> If you can make a positive impact on the consumer end of the scale, you
> may well find that institutional support becomes morere likely.
> Or you could find specific focal areas to improve - faster ambulance
> response times, better training optimisation, diagnostic support and
> evidence collection etc - harder, than just general purpose inventory
> and reporting that GP, Pharmacists and Dentists need.
> Keep in mind that the healthcare data is one of the most heavily managed
> with compliance, privacy and certifications. Even more so than taxation
> systems. And you are going to need a lot of domain knowledge who are
> effectively working against £££ and capitalism.
> There are many initiatives of this nature that have started and had
> varying levels of success; I would highly recommend finding and reaching
> out to some of these efforts and people to either learn from them or to
> offer collaboration.
> > So here’s a plan:
> >
> >  1. Create an open-source healthcare discussion group.
> >  2. Create an international standards body for backbone systems
> >  3. Along with the NHS design and develop primary/secondary/tertiary
> >     healthcare management tools
> >      1. To build a free-as-in-beer system for healthcare administration
> >         in the third-world
> >      2. Introduce more free-as-in-speech software to the NHS and
> government
> >  4. In a mutual backscratching exercise persuade the NHS to use their
> >     management and development resources to take over maintenance for
> >     some of the orphaned open-source utility and infrastructure projects.
> >  5. By working with the NHS and third-world healthcare providers develop
> >     a consultancy arm of the NHS to co-ordinate international systems
> >     integration. Open-source by default.
> >  6. By making the NHS the go-to people for large-scale healthcare
> >     systems position them as the obvious people to implement universal
> >     healthcare in the USA when the time is right
> >  7. Make the NHS revenue-neutral.
> i guess my tldr; here is - its good to have vision, but execution might
> need to start smaller than 'change the dynamics of mankind'.
> All the best! and I look forward to hearing more as you make progress.
> - KB
> --
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