[gloucs] changes...

Guy Edwards gloucs@mailman.lug.org.uk
Fri Aug 23 11:39:00 2002

On Fri, 2002-08-23 at 11:16, Sean Keane wrote:
> > lynx:  Seems to work OK, but bloody awkward to navigate.
> > w3m: Easier... probably since it has better colour support.
> > links: Couldn't connect... "Connection Refused" error... possibly at my
> > end but...
> Eep... annd Konq has issues now with your tabs at the top... it works if I 
> move the pointer about a cm or so above the tab, but not if I move it over 
> the tab!

I have links and lynx,
The navs are at the top... not sure how to make that eaier to navigate
really. Is your version just black and white? hmmmm... I'll think on
that one.

The Konqueor problem has appeared before on my version about a month ago
but I'm not suffering at the moment. I think this is something wierd
with Konqueror as theres nothing special about the page selection tabs.

My Konqueor works fine (checks) yep :-)

Someone else reported this about two months ago though... I don't think
it was just our site. Does it happen on all the links or just the page
selection tabs?
