[Gloucs] Lindows: Beyond Windows, Before Linux

Will Roe gloucs at mailman.lug.org.uk
Thu Dec 5 19:20:00 2002

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Hi Guy,

On Mon, Dec 02, 2002 at 10:14:44PM +0000 or thereabouts, Guy Edwards wrote:
> On Mon, 2002-12-02 at 21:38, Dave Addison wrote:
> [snip]=20
> > I've also been playing with the Bynari connector for Outlook (it's the=
> > only reason I'm running Outlook, honest). This allows Outlook to treat=
> > an open source imap mail server like MS Exchange. This is pretty=20
> > impressive so far (even though I'm running it over an ISDN line)
> On a similar topic, does anyone use the addon for Evolution (Ximian
> Connector?) that lets it use all the features on a MS Exchange server? I
> like Evolution a lot, but the College uses Exchange I believe.
> http://www.ximian.com/

I haven't personally used it (closed source and all that) but I have it
on good authority (well, a M$ user who was impressed with it) that it
works with Exchange and Net Folders (which you may not have seen but=20
it's awfull - we moved from Net Folders to Exchange at work recently
and Exchange is a bit better). He has a friend who has SuSE with=20
the connector as standard so he is slowly drifting...drifting towards
Linux ;)

It may be commercial but I think it's quite cheap as it means one
can avoid using a M$ system w/ Outlook (aaahhhh!)

Have fun,


> Guy
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