[Gloucs] talks for Tuesday ?

Glyn Davies gloucs at mailman.lug.org.uk
Mon Nov 25 00:14:00 2002

John McKeown wrote:
> What's planned for Tuesday?
> nothing mentioned on the website
> Is there a 'Wireless' talk out there?
> Any other ideas? application walkthroughs?
> regards
> john

Not for this Tuesday I'm afraid John. Ignoring that I haven't prepared a 
   talk I'll have to leave the meeting early.

As regards 'topics' for Tuesday might I suggest we take the chance to 
formalise some of our meeting arrangements. I'm not suggesting we need a 
committee but I think it would be helpful if there was a person 
recognised as arranging the meetings. I'm not saying they should hunt 
down presentations but when someone offers to talk on something, it 
needs to be 'booked' and chased up (me being a good example). I think we 
should aim to know what the talks will be about at least a month in 
advance. Where we have meeting arrangements that cost money, we could 
then 'fund raise' at the previous meeting before the event and not rely 
  too much on goodwill during/after. Also, I think we should publicise 
the meetings on the mailing list in a formal announcement (It's my main 
way of hearing GLUG news).

Apologies if this sounds boring and if taken to excess liable to take 
the fun out of the GLUG but I'd hate the GLUG to flounder too much from 
the lack of some simple organisation.

I can think of a couple of excellent candidates for the job and I think 
it may be only the fear of the rest of us thinking  "Who does he think 
he is...." stopping them doing this now. No fears, I don't think that's 
going to happen.

So, something perhaps to talk about on Tuesday or here in the mailing list.

I'll promise to do my Idiot's (well - this idiot's) guide to wireless at 
the next meeting[1] as an aid to any future 'chief whip'.

[1] As long as I'm able to attend :)

Best Regards
Glyn Davies