[Gloucs] L'espion [was] Linux Expo

gloucs@mailman.lug.org.uk gloucs at mailman.lug.org.uk
Wed Oct 9 21:32:01 2002

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On Wed, Oct 09, 2002 at 09:01:24PM +0100, Paul Broadhead wrote:
> > Those L'espion matchboxed sized cameras were selling like hotcakes
> > too.=20
> I've been wondering about getting one of these.  Does anyone know of a
> web page that has some example pictures?  I know they're not meant for
> high quality use but I'd like to have an idea what to expect.
Mu son has one - they are a nice gadget tho the pics are the quality you
would expect at that price.  If you want I can take a few snaps and
email them to you.




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