[Gloucs] Linux Expo

Guy Edwards gloucs at mailman.lug.org.uk
Thu Oct 10 00:05:01 2002

On Wed, 2002-10-09 at 22:50, Peter Braidwood wrote:
> > Just back from London, Linux Expo was cool,
> > The Linux Expo was upstairs with the web development display downstairs.
> > Microsoft were downstairs and it was two separate exhibitions in
> > reality.
> I am taking my team down to the expo tommorow, I feel that we will be going downstairs to 'extract the .....'
> Peter 

Yeah, downstairs seemed geared towards the manager with very little
technical knowledge but easily sold new ideas. Avoid the stand
downstairs doing talks on webcaching. I was drawn in by talk of XML but
the speaker droned on about his (amazingly complex) webcache product for
what seemed like hours.

The Sun debates are worth getting to early as they were so packed I
couldn't even see the speakers. There were about 5 people having a
debate on the future of Linux but it was crowded and I couldn't
hear/see. Try and get to those early and they're probably really good.

The Sony Playstation lady's quite cute too (sorry but she was) smile at
her while she's talking and watch her blush :-).
