[Gloucs] Feb talk.

Mark gloucs at mailman.lug.org.uk
Sat Feb 8 09:06:01 2003

Morning folks (yes how ridiculously early for that matter!)

Ok now my feet have had time to touch the ground..

What do people want to be talked about vis a vis the "Security" talk that
apparantly someone is doing this month?

I cant see alot of point doing vnc over ssh (unless we cant find anything
to talk about) mainly due to the fact that the vnc web site has what looks
like a comprehensive guide to doing that as it is.

anyone who has any ideas let me know.. I'm not physically capable of
covering (in depth) even half of the aspects that there may be with
Linux/xBSD in just one evening.

cheers folks,


Electronic Investigator,
High Tech Crime Network.