[Gloucs] disk image to ftp server?

Glyn Davies gloucs at mailman.lug.org.uk
Sun Jan 19 23:58:00 2003

Guy Edwards wrote:
> Hi,
> I know there's lots of linux floppy disk based distributions with
> network support...
> I want to copy a hard disk image (by ftp?) to some kind of image file
> and which will be stored on a network server (linux - samba PDC but I
> can add FTP or NFS etc). I then want to use a floppy disk to boot up
> each client machine and download the disk image onto it from the ftp
> server.
> What's the best/fastest way to do this? I've googled but not found much,
> I just wondered if anyone had done something similar... I'm just after a
> floppy disk based distribution that's good for this, and has the tools
> you need.
> Guy


I do this quite often using tomsrtbt (http://www.toms.net/rb/).

Basically, boot tomsrtbt floppy, ifconfig eth0 and dd away via NFS. You 
can dd an entire disk (hda) or just the partition you want (hda1) but if 
doing the latter remember to take a copy of the boot sector too (i.e. dd 
if=/dev/hda of=boot_sector.img bs=512 count=1)

Mark has a little concerned with his 2GB Linux file size limit. I have a 
2.5GB home dir .gz that verifies okay. Actally, it was a 5GB tar before 
that. Anyone know the answer to this? 2Gb seems a little pants.

And congratulations other Mark of finally making it onto the list.

Best Regards
Glyn Davies