[Gloucs] barcoding

Iain Calder gloucs at mailman.lug.org.uk
Tue May 13 22:15:01 2003

Guy Edwards wrote:

>I looked for php.ini but don't appear to have it. I have a 
>/etc/php folder which contains
>- 23_gd.ini
>- 34_mysql.ini
>but no php.ini (did a find / -name php.ini)
>cat 23_gd.ini gives:
>extension = gd.so
>I noticed in your email you mentioned gd1 so I tried uninstalling gd2
>and installed gd1 but that made no difference (I guess as it's using the
>php-gd package)
>my php-gd package is 4.3.0-2 I tried the php-gd package form cooker
>which is 4.3.1-1 but it had no visible effect.
>anyone any ideas?
Sorry for the late reply, but Blueyonder and Microsoft seem incapable of 
running a proper email service!

You may have fixed things already, but if not here are some random thoughts:

PHP >= 4.3 includes a built-in gd which I hadn't realised until now.  
The docs recommend using the built-in in place of external gd 
libraries.  To enable the built-in gd, PHP should be configured with 
'--with-gd".  The output from your phpinfo() does not show this option 
in the configure command, yet it does say the built-in gd is enabled.  
It wouldn't be the first time the PHP docs are wrong though!

So if you haven't already, try removing your gd rpm, and the 23_gd.ini 
file, and the built-in should be used.  If this doesn't work, it may be 
your PHP has been incorrectly compiled - a simple source RPM hack and 
recompile would fix.

To use external gd, make sure your gd RPM version matches your PHP RPM 
version and the **_gd.ini is in place.

If you don't need any PHP 4.3 features, I'd advise not using it, at 
least until 4.3.2 is released.  Socket functions, for one thing, are 
partly broken in 4.3.1 and I've seen segfaults caused by closing 
connections.  Stick with 4.1 or 4.2 unless you really need 4.3, but then 
you'd also need to drop back to Apache 1.3.

I think you are running too close to the bleeding edge with Apache 2.0 
and PHP 4.3!  If you were running a nice sensible distribution like 
Debian stable, you'd have Apache 1.3.26 and PHP 4.1.2, and no problems :-)
