[Gloucs] mount

Guy Edwards gloucs at mailman.lug.org.uk
Sat May 24 12:50:00 2003

On Sat, 2003-05-24 at 11:33, Richard Mellersh wrote:
> 3. The conclusion I came to is that `firewalling' is only that!!  I 
> allows or prevents ip accesses in either direction, it does NOT do 
> any redirection.

No, thats not right. Forwarding is just a (firewall) rule away.

> 4. There must be some other program that takes over this task?  (I 
> hesitate to mention some of the alternative that I have read about - 
> squid amongst them - for fear of pre-empting any answers I may get!

I'm not too hot on this. Squid does web caching. 
You may want to look for example iptables rules on the web for machines
doing NAT.

> Am I asking too much of linux?

Not at all, you're just a little bit confused with your config.

> Should I have one system for firewalling and NAT and a differnt system 
> (internal) for hosting my experiments?

Thats the way I would do it. Time for some ascii networking...

ipcops or smoothwall box (P75 or better will be fine)
  ----------------- (orange - DMZ)
  |               |
 switch         webserver
 lots of internal machines

> One further `desirable' element would be to allow any internal system 
> to retreive e-mail directly via the `new' systems isdn link IF it is 
> evening OR weekend (no extra charges with "Surftime")

I think you want to setup a cron job or write some interesting scripts.

A really vague email by

figlet time... 
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