[Gloucs] Bridging Firewall

Gavin Robertson gmr_lists at mail.com
Wed Jan 7 11:20:09 GMT 2004

Hello all

I'm building a bridging firewall and have some iptables questions that maybe somebody can help me with
so far the bridge is up and working the config is below

eth0 --> lan with ip  -- will be use for ssh configure
eth1 --> lan no ip 
eth2 --> router no ip
br0  --> (eth1 + eth2) no ip

lan -- eth1+eth2 -- router

first can you refer to eth1 an eth2 in your iptables script or do you refer to br0 

when i config iptables to accept all an log everything on FORWARD "--log-level=6" it seems to use eth0 as the IN and forward to br0 although "OUT=" (blank) is displayed in the log? perhaps it is because it is a broadcast?.

Jan  7 10:21:16 unicorn kernel: IN=eth0 OUT= MAC=ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:00:c0:b7:65:4b:d3:08:00 SRC= DST= LEN=867 TOS=0x00 PREC=0x00 TTL=60 ID=56364 PROTO=UDP SPT=3052 DPT=3052 LEN=847

any help appreciated

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