[Gloucs] LPI Manuals

Jill Tovey root at zenhighway.co.uk
Thu May 13 02:52:52 BST 2004

John Kilgour <wj.kilgour at btopenworld.com> wrote:

> On Wednesday 12 May 2004 03:43, Jill Tovey wrote:
> > "Jill Tovey" <jtovey at messagelabs.com> wrote:
> >
> > Do you have another browser you can download from?
> >
> > If not you should be able to configure your browser to link particular
> > types to particular extensions - see if you can change yours to associate
> > application/vnd.sun.xml.writer with .sxw files.
> >
> > If this works I'll explain why, if this doesn't I'll keep quiet and email
> > you the files :-)
> >
> Thanks for this.
> I used another browser (Mozilla) and had no trouble.


When you access a document using http the server is supposed to tell the
browser what type of content is being returned in the form of a content-type
Different browsers handle MIME types differently.  Some like to ignore the RFC
specifications and do things their own way, so IE for example looks at the
extension of the url
rather than what the server content header says.  However a browser that reads
from a server that doesn't have a mapping for the extension will usually
default to text/plain.  The browser will think its reading a text file instead
of .sxw and it adds lots of CR/LF's thus corrupting it. 

That's what I think anyway.  Out of interest, what browser did you download
from originally?

> John Kilgour
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