[Gloucs] Re: [SB] Redhat 9 binary

Roy M Roy at Farm3.demon.co.uk
Fri May 14 19:14:28 BST 2004

In message <40A2A095.8080803 at corruptive.co.uk>, Tom Walker 
<twalker at corruptive.co.uk> writes
>Francis Barton wrote:
>> Quoting Roy M <Roy at Farm3.demon.co.uk>:
>>>Thank you Aaron & Sean for your advice. I will have a ramble round 
>>>before I buy the update.
>>   The following link might also be of interest to wearers of the Hat:
>> http://www.serverwatch.com/news/print.php/3350491
>>  Francis
>>>In message 
>>><Pine.LNX.4.44.0405052258450.4512-100000 at acws-0051.cs.bham.ac.uk>, 
>>>Aaron Sloman <A.Sloman at cs.bham.ac.uk> writes
>>>>On Wed, 5 May 2004, Roy M wrote:
>>>>>I bought a Linux mag [don't know when there is no date on it, issue 33]
>>>>>anyway, on the front was a free Redhat ver 9 binary.
>>>>>What I would like to know is, has anyone installed the redhat 9 
>>>>>and followed it up with a full prog purchase, if so did it install OVER
>>>>>the binary ? or does the binary have to be uninstalled first!
>>>>If you try to get a full RH 9 (e.g. from www.maxtux.co.uk or
>>>>www.linuxemporium.co.uk, or from www.creativechanges.uklinux.net or from
>>>>a friend who already has it) then when you install it from the CD you
>>>>can specify that it is an upgrade, in which case it will install over
>>>>the version you already have. you'll get options as to what you want to
>>>>have installed, and it may or may not fit into the space you have
>>>>already allocated on the hard drive for RH9.
>>>>Many people will now advise you to go for Fedora instead (the 'free'
>>>>successor to RH 9), but I have no experience of it. See
>>>>   http://www.redhat.com/software/rhelorfedora/
>>>>I don't know if the suppliers listed above still provide RH 9.
>>   _______________________________________________
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>It may be a bit late to suggest it, but, I did this year buy Redhat 9 
>on DVD from http://www.linuxcentral.com. The next week Fedora came out 
>on a magazine cover so I was a bit miffed to have wasted the money. If 
>you really want  Redhat 9 you can just head over to linuxcentral and 
>type "linux 9" in the search engine there. They can't use the name 
>Redhat so they just call it Linux 9.
>Incidentally I did an update install with Fedora on top of RH9 just for 
>fun and it seemed to work without a problem. But I guess that was not 
>your exact question.

Your not too late Tom, I move very slowly <smile>
Thank you for the above comments. I am still chewing over which way to 
go: I'll have a look at linuxcentral and I am going to browse around PC 
world too, before I buy. I might well have to buy Fedora in the end!

Roy M

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