[Gloucs] Laptop for sale.

Ian Cunningham case_uk at blueyonder.co.uk
Mon Oct 11 17:28:31 BST 2004

Tony Davis wrote:

>Hi Everyone,
>I dont suppose anyone has a laptop for sale do they or can anyone get hold
>of one?
>I would like the processor around the 1ghz mrk, but i would take a lower or
>higher one.
>Can anyone help?
>Kind Regards
>Tony Davis
>Tel:   07984 944444
>Email: tony at smoothcode.com
>www:   www.smoothcode.com
>gloucs mailing list
>gloucs at mailman.lug.org.uk
>Virtual IRC meets every Sunday 8-10pm in #glug on irc.slashnet.org
i have a sony vaio fx-101 for sale, 10 gig h/drive. 600mhz celeron cpu. 

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