[Gloucs] Next meeting: Software Patents - Next week!

Mick Brooks michael.brooks at physics.ox.ac.uk
Wed Mar 23 23:26:02 GMT 2005

Dear all,

I'm sure nobody forgot, but just a quick reminder about the meeting
next Wednesday:

30 March - Software Patents and 'Computer-Implemented Inventions'
  7pm Bishop's Cleeve Library, Tobyfield Road, Bishops Cleeve
       (see <http://www.gloucs.lug.org.uk> for map)          
What are they?  Where did they come from?  What impact will they                
have?  What is the proposed EU directive on 'computer-implemented               
inventions' all about?  I will talk for 15 - 30 minutes, with                   
slides, to give concise answers to these questions.  I will                     
present the case against software patents.                                      
Then I will lead a 30 minute discussion on                                      
 - the impact on us as members of the Linux community, as users,                
   developers or advocates.                                                     
 - what we can do to improve the situation.                                     
About the speaker:  David Corking is an independent project                     
manager who is concerned about the negative effects software                    
patents will have on developing custom software and using open                  
source software.                                                                

I'm sure this is going to be interesting, so please make the effort
to come along.

I hope to see you there,

Mick Brooks
michael.brooks at physics.ox.ac.uk

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