[Gloucs] Cat amongst the... package mangement solutions

John Patrick nhoj.patrick at gmail.com
Fri Dec 1 12:56:43 GMT 2006

Afternoon everyone,

At the last meeting there was a conversation which i admit when over my
head, about package management solutions in different distros, mainly why
debian's is better than an rpm based one. I want to understand more about
linux, I've used it for a several years but never really understood
administering and maintenance. Since the meeting I've looked a few times
into how they work, advantages and disadvantages etc but have not got
anywhere with real understanding.

How does debian's package management system compare to an rpm solution. How
do they differ and what does install/update/remove/"dependence management"
work in both and why is x a better solution than y.

Thank in advance for any participation in this discussion,
>From a new'ish'bie who really hates feeling like one,

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