[Gloucs] Next Meeting: Virtual machines on Linux, Monday 23rd, January 2005

Paul Broadhead lug at twinmoons.clara.co.uk
Sat Jan 21 18:25:48 GMT 2006

Adam Hawkins <adamhawkins at blueyonder.co.uk> wrote:

> Is there any particular type of projector your after? I work at the 
> University of Gloucestershire in ICT so I've got access to 100's of 
> them.... as long as I ask first :)
> A bog-standard data projector and screen, yeah?

I presume so.  If the projector can be run from a standard laptop monitor port that should do the trick.  I just replied to John Kilgour who has offered to bring a projector screen.  However, if you can bring a screen and a projector then that would save John bringing his screen.


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