[Gloucs] Belated intro

Nick nick at njw.me.uk
Thu Aug 30 09:36:42 BST 2007

(forgot to send this to the list)

> Hi all,

Hello there,

> I've been lurking on the list for the last three years and thought
> it about
> time to introduce myself.  I'm shane, and have been using Linux
> for the last
> seven years.  Currently running Gentoo with LTSP at home and
> trying to
> persuade my employer that it is so much better than win95!

Lurking, yes, easy to do.

Glad you're using Gentoo, I am too, and love it dearly. Everyone
else in the world seems to be using Debian (or a derivative), or
RedHat. And by "the world", I mean the people I talk to who use

You should give Paludis a try. Using unstable package managers helps
one feel more alive. Although it actually works pretty smoothly, all
in all. Has fun features, like sensible config layouts and the
option to mask packages by license.

I can't believe your employer is using Windows 95. How is it
possible to do that without getting hijacked instantly? Wasn't
support for it (including security patches) dropped a quite a while
ago? Or is it a standalone machine. Regardless, that just seems

Look forward to hearing more from you soon,


GPG Key : www.njw.me.uk/nick.gpg.asc     GPG Key ID: 04E4653F
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