[Gloucs] VoIP.

David Johnson dj at david-web.co.uk
Wed Dec 19 19:39:16 GMT 2007

On Wednesday 19 December 2007 19:03:11 Geoff Bagley wrote:
> I have temporarily shelved my efforts to get my Linksys SPA921 working.
> I am currently playing with ekiga.
> At the present state of play,  I can call numbers and get them to ring,
> but no audio passes in either direction.
> The "calls" get charged OK on my sipgate account,  so that bit is working.
> I hope to try a different headset tomorrow.

This is generally caused by a firewall blocking the voice traffic. If it isn't 
already, try configuring Ekiga to use STUN - or if it is, configure it not 
to. You could also investigate configuring your firewall to forward the 
required ports, but using STUN is generally easier. The sipgate site should 
have some guidance on how to do this.


David Johnson

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