[Gloucs] That SPA921 again !

Andrew Oakley andrew at aoakley.com
Sat Dec 22 22:46:25 GMT 2007

Geoff Bagley wrote:
> Is anyone else using the Linksys SPA921 ?

Apparently the missus has got me one for Christmas. I'll let you know 
just as soon as Christmas happens, plus free time allows.

I plan to use it similar to your plan, as a separate entity in itself 
without an Asterisk PABX.

So far all I know is that it also attempts to give out DHCP (factory 
default is to assume it is the only router on the network), so that'll 
be the first thing I turn off, since I already have a DHCP server on the 

Do you have the UK version? The wife specifically ordered the UK version 
for me.

Are you using a Master socket adaptor (ie. one with a ring capacitor?). 
As I understand it, a Secondary socket adaptor will not give a ring 
tone; you must use a Master socket adaptor to get a ring tone (either 
full or half master; full master means it also has lightning protection).

Andrew Oakley

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