[Gloucs] Re: [Malvern] That SPA921 again !

Andy Dixon andy at ajd.me.uk
Sat Dec 22 20:31:17 GMT 2007

On Sat, 2007-12-22 at 20:22 +0000, Geoff Bagley wrote:
> Hi all.
> So far,  I have succeeded in getting my account working  at sipgate.co.uk .
> I can make calls with ekiga using my lap top.
> I cannot get my SPA921  ( on the same ethernet router ) to talk to the 
> SIP server,  nor place calls.
> I think I have the correct pass-words etc.   I don't get dialtone,  
> though some sources suggest that I should.
> Is anyone else using the Linksys SPA921 ?
> Would it be easier if I had a running  asterisk-style  PBX on my  host 
> machine  (Debian  Etch ) ?
> I have been  trying to keep  the SIP-phone  separate from the main host.
> Any further hints most gratefully awaited !
> Does anyone use H323 ?


I guess you didn't get my emails.. Perhaps I should pop over in the new
year when I am back at work, and give you a hand..


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