[Gloucs] SSH forwarding without a shell

Matthew Booth mbooth at redhat.com
Mon Jul 2 23:28:27 BST 2007

On Mon, 2007-07-02 at 22:40 +0100, Glyn Davies wrote:
> Can anyone think of a way of doing this.
> I need to let someone in behind my firewall to a VNC server. Rather than 
> expose the VNC port to the Internet, I'd rather tunnel the VNC session 
> over SSH and let the SSH server be responsible for the security side of 
> things. The final thing is I want the user connecting in to only be able 
> to tunnel a VNC session to the chosen VNC server and nothing else (i.e. 
> no getting a shell on the SSH server, etc). OK, once inside on the VNC 
> server it's open season on the network, but at least the server will be 
> 'safe'. If it's not clear from the above, the Linux box running SSH and 
> the Windows box (boo!) runing VNC server are seperate machines.

For pt 1, have a look in 'man vncviewer' at the -via option. Pt 2 will
require me to setup VNC to play with options ;)

Matthew Booth, RHCA, RHCSS
Red Hat, Global Professional Services

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