[Gloucs] Fedora...

David and Sharon david.sharon-copsegreenfarm at farming.co.uk
Sun Sep 9 22:45:42 BST 2007

Alan Vamplew wrote:
> Simon,
> It was much easier to install Fedora 7 using the free distro on the cover of
> the August edition of Linux Magazine.
> Wireless networking was the only problem but this has now been resolved.
> So far it looks and feels good.
> Alan
> -----Original Message-----
> From: gloucs-bounces at mailman.lug.org.uk
> [mailto:gloucs-bounces at mailman.lug.org.uk] On Behalf Of Simon Lewis
> Sent: 09 September 2007 14:04
> To: Gloucestershire LUG
> Subject: [Gloucs] Fedora...
> So.... in the spirit of keeping my friends close and my enemies  
> closer I thought I would help my house mate install Fedora on his  
> laptop along side Debian as a test.
> We downloaded and burned the net install cd and fired it up, then the  
> usual thing of pointing it at a http address... 20 minutes later of  
> searching and messing around we finally are able to find a url that  
> the installer CD likes...   it downloads a graphical installer...
> The installer starts and up comes a gnome based installer that is  
> *very* pretty. Being a Mac user and judging everything on appearance  
> I was mildly impressed.....then... after 20 minutes of waiting for it  
> to "resolve depandencies" it asks me what I would like to  
> install..... then more waiting and then after 10 minutes the progress  
> bar starts to move.... yay!
> And im still waiting...  its on 335 of 1025 packages....
> I have learnt 2 things so far during this install:
> 1) The Fedora installer is very pretty but does not have the feature  
> of the Debian installer
> 2) The tool used to calculate the dependancies appears to be very slow
> Anyway... lets see if Fedora 7 can offer anything....
Just installed FC7 ( from downloaded DVD ISO) with no problems. However, 
did not install the 'non-free' mp3 rpm's properly using 'pirut' gui 
installer and had to use 'yum' from the command line to get them to 
install properly. Also, can not get NVidia drivers to work. They either 
cannot find kernel-devel installation or find them and install drivers, 
which cannot be found when starting X (Why can't they include kernel 
source on the disc?).  Apart from those minor niggles, 'yum' works so 
much better than 'yast' with suse and I am very impressed - a nice easy 
to set up beginners distro.

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