[Gloucs] Introduction

Osymandias nicholas.clarke at gmail.com
Wed Oct 15 08:01:19 UTC 2008

As somebody else has just introduced themselves, I thought I should do 
the same. My name's Nick, I'm 22, and have been running purely linux for 
about 3 years now. I've just moved to Cheltenham, and am currently 
self-employed, working on biodiversity data systems. Not sure how many 
meetings I'll make it to - depends on what the buses are like to 
Gloucester - though if you run the linux installation day again in the 
same place I'm right next door.

Have been through various distributions; RedHat and SuSE many years ago, 
Fedora for a long while, Ubuntu and Mandriva briefly, then Gentoo for a 
bit and have now moved to Arch, which I'm loving.

Likewise, looking forward to getting to meet and know some of you!


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