[Gloucs] Cheapo NAS

David Leadbeater dgl at dgl.cx
Sun Jan 18 18:05:48 UTC 2009


On Sat, Jan 17, 2009 at 11:54:22PM +0000, Glyn Davies wrote:
> 'lo again.
> Anyone have and experience with cheap NAS drives. Typically these are 
> like a USB hard drive but also have a 10/100 Ethernet interface.
> Ebuyer do this Freecom one - http://www.ebuyer.com/product/147969 - but 
> reviewers say the underlying disk format is FAT32 which means you can't 
> store files greater than 4GB.

I have the 500GB version but I can't really recommend it, the SMB
implementation is rather poor, Linux can't even manage to mount the
drive. I did use it with curlftpfs for awhile but now I've resigned to
just using it over USB.

> This Ebay seller seems to have something similar but the description 
> suggests it supports NTFS, FAT32 and EXT3 (whether that is by Ethernet 
> or just by USB I don't know).
> http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/External-USB-Network-1000GB-1TB-LAN-NAS-Hard-Drive_W0QQitemZ110328467655QQihZ001QQcategoryZ16178QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem
> It looks like Ebuyer sells the enclosure but the reviews suggest it 
> needs a firmware upgrade.
> http://www.ebuyer.com/product/126893

Interesting, I'd assume from the mentioned ext3 support that it is
running Linux on it (also the slower speed quoted[1] for NTFS would
make sense if they are using ntfs-3g).


[1]: http://www.sumvision.com.cn/searchResults.aspx?ptype=37

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